Million Dollar Mindset: Be Unstopable!!![for 2018]

I want whosoever is going to read this post to approach it   with the eyes of a child-just wait for second and unlock that deeper inner desire to learn because this is definitely going to help you.Everybody wants to increase their income-buy better houses ,drive fancy cars and retire early _yes  we all want to. But according to PARETOS PRINCIPLE  only 20%  of the people in any society manage to achieve those goals. Statistics also prove that most millionaires are first generation millionaires which means they are own made so the this question comes naturally ,”what is it they did right that we are not doing/ what is the hack?”.

Well fellow enterpreneurs you opened up this link because you think  it is going to teach you something that will add value to your life which you probably don’t know.And that is exactly where the hack or the answer is-adding value to the people. Fellow enterpreneurs if you are to make any money somebody must first appreciate your service or product and then pay money for it.They must be first convinced that whatever you are offering is capable of making their lives better and then they will pay for it.So the relationship is very simple-the greater the value you offer the greater the amount of money you can get paid for it.

That sounds complex  right? Well maybe but what it simply means is that instead of stressing yourself thinking how you can make more money you should start searching for problems encountered by people and how you can solve them and that should be where every entrepreneur`s dream circulate around. I am tempted to insert links to JACK MA`s  documentaries here because they can explain practically the phrase I wrote above you must definitely have time for these:



Everyday the present day would be enterpreneur wakes up and starts surfing the web for tips on how to make easy breakthroughs. It has become an obsession they search for the so called tricks ,try it out  fail and quit. It is so sad that some even lose confidence in their dreams give up. What you should rather spend most of your time doing is searching and learning how  you can use your mind and abilities towards creating solutions/adding value to people.You might not like it but that is where the money is so you to learn to love it and the good news is you can because every skill is learnable.

What is it that you can do better-Is it persuading ? Well maybe you need to start learning the sales market .Or  is it surfing the web? There are  hundreds of companies out there looking  for your help so why not try selling your service at sites like  FIVERR.COM ?Or do you like being alone then try setting up a meditation youtube channel like MEDITATION VACATION. These are just a few examples i gave to show you clearer view on why you should focus on using your abilities and skills towards your vision[which must always be centered around bringing solutions/adding value to the people].This means that every skill can help you  make lots of money and the good news is every new skill is learnable which means that if you know what to focus on your earning potential is unlimited. Below are some links to great posts that can help you discover your skill set, learn new ones and how you can apply them towards your vision[helping people then money]:





From what we have learnt so far it is now very evident that you need three things to make it as an entrepreneur namely the vision[which i am defining as the aim to add value to people`s lives] ,then the necessary skills required to persue that vision and then finally the ability to use those skills in navigating our way towards our vision.Now the last part requires that we be able to think outside the box.
Think and Grow Rich: The Original, an Official Publication of The Napoleon Hill Foundation: CLAIM YOUR COPY NOW!!!

Thinking outside the box is a skill and therefore very learnable.It is neither easy nor hard you just need exposure to the world out there-Getting information day in and day out of how the enterpreneurs before you have handled such situations or how are the present ones doing it.This can be very tiresome but it is worth it and also you can just sign up with your email and you will have very essential enterprenual information from business ideas to trending events delivered right into your inbox.Documentaries have always been a great way to help enterpreneurs think  because they show how successful enterpreneurs actually put their skills to work.You can receive one daily for free after you have signed up.

And also always remember these two quotes by BRIAN TRACY,” the difference between successful people and unsuccessful ones is that those  who are successful tend to stick around a little bit longer” so never give up..And the second one which says, “Successful people are always looking for an opportunity to help others .Unsuccessful  people are asking ‘what`s in it for me

BEDTIME SERIES[celebrating episode 3]

I have always looked forward to share these magical reality series on global platform since 8 years back when I first discovered them. I was in my first relationship, I loved her but I could feel that i was loosing grip on her and I am sure she was experiencing the same thing too.  A savior was direly needed now but could it be? I asked myself that question over and over again and the answer couldn’t come.It was not going well with me obviously so I asked my mom for some advice… I mean she was my first love what did you want me to do!!!

You might not believe what told me but it was Baaaaaang! And  i will be forever grateful i asked her because it was indeed a savior. The romance rekindled and we were getting back on and it was awesome.Just then i realized that somebody needed this magical miracle in their lives and that somebody might be you.

You might not be having the same problem as mine but maybe you just need to tell your partner a story or you just want to keep her engaged..Do you want to turn her on?..Well yeagh maybe but whatever it is you just need these BEDTIME STORY SERIES everyday of your life so just subscribe for free with your email and we will deliver them right to your inbox..

Subscribe with your email address and we will teach HOW TO TELL YOUR STORY ,WHEN TO ,WHERE TO and teach you everything you need to know.ALL OUR SUBSCRIBERS ALSO RECEIVE  A FREE E-BOOK on the BEDTIME SERIES.



I have tried blogging before and what I got from my experience is that it really sucks…Yeah it does.I mean most guys of my age are out there having the best times of their lives so why would I opt to get stuck in my room all weekend writing some mother fucking posts..Continue reading “BORN TO INSPIRE”